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Search Engine Optimization FAQ

Here at the agency we get asked questions quite a bit. Here are some of the most common questions we have been asked when working with clients on enhancing their Social Media, or Online Search Engine presence.

How Do I Work With Clients for SEO Specifically? 

Search Engine Optimization and Enhancement extend to so many facets of the internet and its reach. It's ever changing. I assist with SEO correction, creation, and consolidation (in some cases). Working with an individual is more personal, and there is not one singular machine your business can be placed into to have an automated result work the best way possible. If you have an issue with your search engine performance and placement, working with us will lead to an improved ranking and quality search result.

How Do You Access My Website?

Typically we are granted a website development level access to your website. In order for C+C to effectively manage, update, fix any website issues this level of access is preferred. We can assist with educating any one on how to grant this process as well.  

How Can I Trust You?

In this generation - A company’s website is sacred, and extremely private. I understand the hesitancy and the concern. For some businesses it’s the lifeblood of their profits. We have over 12 years of consistent Google advisor certifications, as well as google ad specialists. We have around 1500 hours of course certifications from the leading search engine companies themselves.

What Companies Have We Done Work For? 

While we would love to share all the screenshots and experiences we have with some of the biggest names in Property Management, Automotive, News and Tech...

We are (sadly) still under a NDA (Non-Disclosure) for some of the “big boys” that we have helped, so giving specific company names isn’t going to be a thing we do here. We respect our clients, They respect us for keeping confidentiality agreements and for doing exactly what we’re contracted to do. 

Thanks For Reading!

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