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Marketing Your Jewelry: A Guide

You’ve decided to open up your own business in jewelry making. You have been creating designs and styles that best suit your appetite for jewelry making, but now you need to start selling. You need help getting it started, but don’t know where to start? Below are some helpful tips to get you on the right path.

Target Audience. This is going to be a big step in determining how your pieces will sell. An audience is a group of people that will be interested in buying your items. Take the time to reveal your ideal target audience, by writing down descriptions of a potential buyer you have in your head. This can be a great indicator who you are imagining buying this when you create your pieces.

Create a Business Plan. You are going to need to come up with some sort of business plan for your jewelry business. Take the time to think out what it is you want to do. There are also resources out there that can help you through this if you get stuck. Resources like that help small business owners. They have some options on business plans here.

Buy a Domain Name. There are a variety of options to go and buy a domain name. Firstly, you must research your name to be sure it isn’t already taken or used out there. Do some research and come up with a name that best suits your brand. Your brand will be important in developing a recognizable name. There are many options out there to purchase a domain name. If you need assistance in planning and market research, reach out to C+C Creative Agency- We would be happy to help!

Create Proper Branding. Branding is a big component to getting your shop recognized amongst the rest. By creating a color scheme you can help get people to recognize your brand. Design a logo that really stands out as well, by doing your research in brand designs that are out there. Consider C+C Creative Agency as your resource to custom logo designs and branding.

Create a Website. There are many platforms that give you the ability to create a website on your own easily and affordably. Some websites connect to the domain name you buy, like GoDaddy, Wix, and Squarespace all have that option. Each platform offers some user friendly templates like Squarespace which gives you a starting point to use, that can make setting up your website easier. Take the time to pick out what theme best suits you, and customize it according to your needs. Be sure to include your colors in your brand, and any other specific visual representations like logo and font choices to stay consistent.

Business Email. The next step as you set up your website is a business email. You can easily make one through any email service that you use, but Google does have a Business Email option that provides additional services that can be used as well.

Create Social Media Accounts. The internet is the way of the future, as they like to say, and it’s true for businesses. People are on the internet. So what better way to market your company then by setting up social media accounts that can help garner attention to your products. Take the time to make great social media handles that are easy to find if someone is looking for your business. Decide what types of social media platforms you are going to be using as well. Some platforms like Facebook and Instagram give you the option of cross posting images and videos by linking them up to each other. Consider C+C Creative Agency to be a guide to running your social media accounts for your business.

Photography. This is a key component in selling your product. Good quality video and pictures seals the deal. Take time to take good pictures, with a decent camera and quality lighting. Invest in some props that will help promote your products and give good balance to the pictures and videos. You can use these for your social media platforms as well as your website.

Have questions or need help with creating a marketing plan?

C+C Creative Agency can help!

Click the button below to send a request for marketing plan assistance.

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