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How to Prevent Burnout

In this age of fast growing technology and constant communication, you can find yourself being burnt out at work faster than ever before. communication, it can lead to burn out with working. Work shouldn’t be your everything, and learning to set boundaries can be a good tool to utilize when burnout is happening.

So what is burnout? Burnout is caused by prolonged stress due to heavy workload, lack of team support and unrealistic work expectations.

Some symptoms of burnout can be:

  • emotional exhaustion: feeling unwell mentally, depressed and overall feeling of blue.

  • difficulty concentrating: finding yourself unusually distracted or detached.

  • decreased work performance: finding oneself not getting tasks done in a timely manner.

While we may not always know what to do in the midst of burnout, here are some ways to create boundaries when burnout is happening and before burnout begins.

Understanding Your Priorities. For me this is especially important when setting work goals and schedules for the week. Take the time to write down and plan out the parts of your day that will be focused on priorities during work hours. Having a High, Medium, and Low Priority schedule can help tackle those work goals with a little more ease. Also include this with your personal life as well. Make sure you are prioritizing self care, hobbies and family time as well.

Taking Time Off. This can be easily overlooked with the competitive work environments we live in, but taking much needed time off is where it’s at. Though it can be a challenge, giving yourself time away from work can help to relieve stress and re energize your soul. Taking vacation or mental health days will go a long way in providing you support and relief and avoiding burnout.

Communication. It’s important to have a way of communicating to your team about your boundaries in the workplace. Some ways to communicate that to the team are letting them know when sign offs are for you everyday. When you are out of the office or off for the day, communicate about not answering emails or calls unless it’s an emergency. Put your work hours in your email signature so people know when you are available.

Silence Notifications. Now this is a hard one for me to follow but can be very beneficial. Learning to leave work at work and allow yourself to enjoy home. This means silencing your work notifications when you are enjoying personal time.

Take Breaks. This is important because this will remind you to take some downtime in the midst of work. This can include meal breaks, as eating balanced meals are vital for a good and healthy body and mind. Breaks also give you time to unwind from a stressful workload , and can help boost your performance and energy levels.

Find a Routine that works for you. Starting your work day off right is essential. So finding a routine that helps can set you off for success. That would be getting up at the same time every morning and creating a morning routine that best suits your needs. This also means scheduling your breaks for the same time everyday which will more than likely lead to actually taking those breaks, which we have stated above is important.

We hope to see you put these tips into practice, to prevent burnout or help recover from it. With taking breaks and setting routines, these can all help in leading a better life at work and after.

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