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How To Make a Marketing Plan for 2023

So you are looking to start a business, but stumped with a marketing plan? You are not alone. Many people struggle with the marketing aspect of their business. While you could hire for business marketing (hello! Welcome to C+C), there is still a need to understand the best approach to make your business successful. Below are three steps to consider when making a marketing plan!

STEP 1: Understand you, your customers, and your competition.

A good plan starts by asking 'Where are we now?'. Gain an overview via your customers, but don’t forget to ask the right questions.

If you’ve got a start-up business or are looking at a marketing plan for a totally new area, many other research resources are available including online reports, insights via trends and conferences. This informs your business decision and ensures the plan is fundamentally sound. If this is the first place you are coming before you take your business to the digital world then take a peek into your customer base.

CURRENT: Who have you already worked with?

GOAL: Who do you WANT to work with?

Thinking about your competition- Who else is in the same business? Do you provide something different that they don't?

STEP 2: Marketing Checklist

Work down this list to gain an understanding of how you can improve your business.

  • Business information- contact information, business name, story of who you are and how your company came to be

  • Competition- what do they bring to the table? how are they different?

  • Strengths and weaknesses - yes, this is referring to your businesses, what are your strengths? What do you need to improve?

  • Target buyers- Who is the customer you are wanting business from?

  • Buying cycle patterns- cycle patterns happen if you have a good or service that needs maintaining or can "run out". How long estimated would it take for an update/repurchase to be needed?

  • Unique selling proposition (USP) - So you know your competition and what they bring to the table. How about you. What do you bring that no one else does like you?

  • Brand - What do you look like? - this could be as simple as a logo with a color or two that you use consistently, it could be as grand as an entire product line, website, social platforms etc that all have your name on it.

  • Website- In the world of marketing this is an essential business avenue that you must venture down. You may think "how could i possibly benefit from a website for my business?" especially if you are in an incredibly niche market. There is a solution for every problem, and an answer to your question. Even if you cannot "sell" something online, you can book your time and keep a digital schedule. You can create a system of classes for people to take. The possibilities are endless.

  • Marketing channels - Social media, Video Applications, and Advertising. Where do you currently have presence. What is your viewer/follower count?

  • SEO- Stands for Search Engine Optimization. Do you already have an online presence. What happens when you "google" your business name or website? Where does your company show up?

STEP 3: Goal and Plan

Now take the information you gathered above, and we're going to ADD to it.

  • Business information- Do you need to add more so you can be found online?

  • Competition- What do they do that you do not want to do? what does your competition do that you wish you did?

  • Strengths and weaknesses - Are your company's strengths highlighted the best it could be?

  • Target buyers- Where does your target buyer currently go for their needs?

  • Buying cycle patterns- Could you possibly offer a subscription or auto renewal service guaranteeing you at least 2x customer sales?

  • Brand - What is missing from your brand that you want in the near future?

  • Website- Does your website need a "facelift"?

  • Marketing channels - Social media, Video Applications, and Advertising are you posting and constantly keeping your business relevant? What do you want your viewership to look like?

  • SEO- Stands for Search Engine Optimization - this one is tricky and does usually take an expert to analyze your situation and how you could change your strategy for advertising on google, yahoo, YouTube, and Bing search engines.

Have questions or need help with creating a marketing plan?

C+C Creative Agency can help!

Click the button below to send a request for marketing plan assistance.

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